今回のテーマはずばり矛盾指数=おっぱっぴー指数という概念です。最初の断っておきますが、すでにこういう概念は存在していて研究者の間で行われていて仕組みがあるのかもしれません。自分は研究者じゃないので知らないだけで・・・( ̄▽ ̄;)でも、もし存在しないのだとしたら、必要な気がしたので考えてみただけです。
そもそも、この矛盾指数とは何のこっちゃ?と思われるかもしれませんが、これは簡単に言えばこの世の常識と非常識を分類するための指標となる統計データのことです。最初の方の記事でも記載したと思いますが、今までの記事では、常識と非常識という概念を非常にアバウトに扱って書いてきました。そもそも何が常識で何が非常識というのは人それぞれ価値観が違いますよね?だからそれをちゃんと分けて考えないと「常識と非常識の循環プロセス」だけではこの世の仕組みは説明できない、と思うんですよね💧( ̄▽ ̄;)何が常識で何が非常識かが分からなければその循環プロセスの仕組みそのものがそもそも成り立たないですから・・・
だからその何が常識で何が非常識か?というのを統計データを取って分類するということですね。例えば、ある心理学の何かの分野の何らかのテーマがあったとするじゃないですか?それについてはすでに研究などで実証済みで結果が出てるからこそ、学会で論文が発表されて世間に認知されてるわけですよね?だからこそそういった文献が本屋で売られてるし図書館でも借りられる。だけど、それが果たしてその後時がたっても、本当に世間の人に正しいものとして認知されているのかどうか?ということがあまり認識されてない気がするんですよね。この時代ではこの学術理論は常識だったけど、今ではもはや時代遅れで常識とは言えないとか・・・( ̄▽ ̄;)あるいは、そもそも最初からあまり世間に認知されないまま研究者の間だけで実証研究されて理論として世に出回ってしまったというものもかなりあるのかもしれません。私は研究者じゃないので詳しくは分かりませんが・・・
以上、矛盾指数についての説明でした。自分は統計学者でも研究者でもないので、こんな統計データ本当にとれるのかは分かりません( ̄▽ ̄;)(笑)そもそも、世界中からこんな統計データを取るなんて至難ですし。でも、統計というのはできるだけ幅広い地域や国で、できるだけ幅広い人種、性別、年齢層からのサンプルが多くないと意見が偏るので意味がなくなるそうです。でも、そうするには莫大な時間がかかる。だから、その辺りは統計学者の先生方に考えてもらっていただければと思ってます。自分の知識では、これ以上の意見を申し上げるとボロが出るのでここでやめたいと思います( ̄▽ ̄;)(笑)
English Translation
#11 Contradiction Index
What is the contradiction index?
The theme of this time is the concept of contradiction index. Let me start by saying that this kind of concept already exists and is being practiced among researchers, and there may be a mechanism for this. I'm not a researcher so I just don't know.
"In the first place, what is this contradiction index?" It may seem like this, but simply put, it is statistical data that serves as an index for classifying common sense and non-common sense in this world. I think I wrote it in the first article, but in the articles so far, I have written about the concepts of common sense and non-common sense very roughly. In the first place, what is common sense and what is not common sense is different for each person, right? That's why I think we can't explain the workings of the world only with the cyclical process of common sense and non-common sense unless we separate them. Without it, the mechanism of the circulation process itself would not work in the first place...
"So what is common sense and what is non-common sense?"
Thisn problem could be soloved by taking statistical data and classifying them. For example, let's say there is some theme in some field of psychology. It has already been proven in research, etc., and it is precisely because it has produced results that papers have been published at academic conferences that have been recognized by the public, right? That's why they are sold in bookstores and borrowed from libraries. However, even after the passage of time, is it really recognized by the public as correct? I feel that this is not very well recognized. In this era, this academic theory was common knowledge, but now it's outdated and can't be said to be common knowledge...( ̄▽ ̄;) There may be quite a few that have been researched and circulated as theories even without being evaluted by public. I'm not a researcher, so I don't know the details, but...
"If there are such cases, I don't think it can be said to be a theory of common sense anymore." It may be an academic theory that still wields authority in the world, but it is a field that is no longer very sympathetic to the public, and I think there are quite a few things that are seen with cold eyes. In that case, it is treated as common sense in the world, but it can be said that it is already becoming insane = becoming common sense that is non-common sense in reality.
However, once authority is exercised, I think that it is difficult for the public to come up with an opportunity to review the wrong theory. Because it already has authority, the general public cannot feel doubts or protest, saying, "This is an authoritative traditional theory, but isn't it actually wrong?" If so, this means that there is a high possibility that it will remain as common sense that is non-common sense in reality for many years after that. I think this should be avoided.
That's why I came up with the concept of a contradiction index. We need to gather statistical data as broadly as possible, and clearly clarify whether we think this theory is correct or wrong, or whether we think it is contradictory or not. So, for example, if the proportion of people who feel that 9:1 is inconsistent, it will be contradictory advantageous, and conversely, if the proportion of people who do not feel that it is contradictory in 1:9 is greater, it will be contradictory disadvantageous. In this case, if the situation is such that it is contradictory and advantageous with 9:1, the overwhelming majority of people feel that the common sense is clearly wrong. I think we should take action. I think we need to discuss whether we should make a new research theme at academic societies, etc., and rectify it, or whether we should recognize that it is already an old theory. On the other hand, if 1:9 is contradictory disadvantageous, there are still many people who feel that this theory is correct, so I think it should be left as common sense.
After reading this far, some of you may be wondering, "What if it's 5:5 or 50/50?" Or maybe 6:4 or 4:6. In that case, I don't think it's completely outdated and insane, as it's clearly neither right nor wrong. So I don't think it's necessary to argue so much. However, if we were to take some kind of corrective action, we would have to dig deeper and listen more deeply to the opinions of those who were interviewed based on the statistical data of the ratios such as 6:4 and 4:6. It may be good to try to reflect that opinion. I don't think you need to correct it that much if it's a contradiction disadvantage such as 4: 6, but if it's a contradiction advantage such as 6: 4, there are more people who feel it's a contradiction. Depending on the percentage of people who feel inconsistent, some corrective action may be taken.
For those who have further doubts, they may have thought, "Isn't it necessary to collect statistical data and natural selection of unnecessary theories will occur?" I'm neither a statistician nor a researcher, so I don't know much about the world of research, so I can't say anything about it, but as I said earlier, "theories that have become authoritative aren't easily weeded out.'' I think. In economics, there are various schools such as the classical school and the neoclassical school, but environmental problems were not recognized at all until a long time ago. However, it is said that it is impossible to think about economics without considering environmental problems in this day and age. So it seems that old economic theories are becoming obsolete. However, I think that once the theories of the famous economists of the past, such as Keynes and Friedman, become authoritative, they will be hard to weed out. Well, it's not something that should be completely weeded out, but at least in this era, the environment and the economy are inseparable, so it seems that environmental economics and so on should shift to the mainstream era. Otherwise, the global environment will be destroyed more and more due to global warming, and our future and existence itself will be threatened. However, when we should shift to the new era, if the values of the old era wield authority, we will not be able to move forward to the new era. That's why I feel that if there is a concept of contradiction index here, it will become clearer what is right and what is wrong.
Also, if you still have doubts, you may think that "this is something that scholars should discuss, and if individual researchers naturally discuss it with each other, the old theories will naturally be weeded out." It is understandable that this will naturally happen if various opinions are fought and debated in the name of democracy. But will that solve it? I thought. In the first place, the public opinion is not reflected if researchers just discuss it without permission, right? For example, there are various discussions about AI research currently being conducted, and we ordinary peple can't see what is right and what is wrong at all, right? I think that there will be some people who will be able to enter the age of AI, but on the contrary, there will be more people who have trouble losing their jobs, right? If such merits and demerits are not properly discussed, we ordinary people will have trouble living later, right? It's because those who are doing cutting-edge research are causing AI controversy without permission, so this kind of problem is happening. Of course, I think there are some researchers who collect statistical data that properly reflect the public opinion, but I think that the mechanism is ambiguous if individual researchers just do it on their own. That's why I thought it was necessary to have a mechanism to collect statistical data and correct such things, so I created the concept of a contradiction index.
This concludes the explanation of the contradiction index. I'm neither a statistician nor a researcher, so I don't know if I can really collect such statistical data ( ̄▽ ̄;) (laughs). However, statistics are meaningless unless there are a large number of samples from as many regions and countries as possible, and from as many races, genders, and age groups as possible, because opinions will be biased. But doing so would take an enormous amount of time. That's why I'd like statisticians to think about that.
Thank you for reading m(__)m