








 この説明だけ見ても何のこっちゃって感じですよね?かくいう経済学部出てる自分も意味が分かってません(笑)難しい数学的な部分とか数式みたいなのは難解チックだったので、何となくで理解してテストのためだけに丸暗記してました。まあ、でも学者さんではないのだから数式の意味なんて基本だけ分かってればいいのだと思います。大切なのは基本概念を理解することですから。数式はただそれを証明しているものにしかすぎないわけですので・・・( ̄▽ ̄;)とまあ、半分は言い訳なのですけど(笑)
















 以上、簡単にご説明致しましたがあくまで自分の考えた仮説の概念ですので本当に実現可能かはよく分かりませんし、検証が必要だと思います。しかも、どうやって検証するんや?というお話だと思います。難解な数式の分かる数学者や経済学者の先生方なら解明できるかもしれません( ̄▽ ̄;)



にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログへ




English Translation

#9 No common sense happiness optimal



By the way, the theme of this time is about the best "No common sense happiness optimal."
I'm sure some of you may have thought "What is that?", but it's not that difficult. There is a Pareto optimal in economics.


Even I, who graduated from the Faculty of Economics, didn't understand the meaning (laughs). Difficult mathematical parts and formulas were difficult to understand, so I somehow understood them and memorized them just for the test. Well, but I'm not a scientist, so I think it's fine if I just understand the basics of the meaning of mathematical formulas. It's important to understand the basic concepts. The formula is just something that proves it... ( ̄▽ ̄;) Well, it's half an excuse (laughs)


But, to put it simply, all economic agents in the market? (I don't know the details, so please google the meaning), but I understand that Pareto optimal holds when everyone enjoys the maximum economic benefit and everyone is in a good state. This is also known as Pareto efficiency. And it seems that such a state is called Pareto inefficiency in the sense that there is still room for improvement = inefficiency. And actually improving the inefficiency is called Pareto improvement.


​ Well, I don't know the technical meaning of the Pareto optimal, so I'll leave it here, but the theme of this time, the no common sense happiness optimal, is simply the happiness version of this. In ordinary economics, the Pareto optimal is the highest possible state in which the economic conditions of other economic agents cannot be improved unless the economic conditions of other economic agents deteriorate. It is said that the happiness level of the world is at its best due to the no common sense happiness optimal


​​​As I have explained in previous articles, I believe that positive insanity that makes the world happy = positive no common sense will create excitement in the world and increase the happiness of everyone. As I have mentioned in previous articles, I called the true no common sense equilibrium when the cyclical process of common sense and no common sense in the world runs smoothly and reaches a perfect state. However, I also said that in reality the world is imperfect and the process has not been carried out perfectly. Therefore, I believe that a true no common sense equilibrium is rare, or even rare. That's why the world is always in a state of temporary no common sense equilibrium. What I mean is, as I explained so far, if you look at the seesaw balance, it is very likely that the society we live in leans toward either negative or positive no common sense, I think. For example, when the seesaw is normally in balance (true no common sense equilibrium), the ratio of negative no common sense to positive no common sense is 5:5. (In this case, the common sense of the center of the seesaw and the area of ​​common sense that is non-common sense in reality will be disregarded.)
True no common sense equilibrium is just in case, but if it were to be realized, it would be a 5:5 equilibrium, but a true no common sense equilibrium is defined as a state of peace in the world.

State of true no common sense equilibrium = state of no common sense happiness optimal


It's the same as when the Pareto optimal is achieved, and I think it's okay to call it another name, no common sense happiness efficiency. If there is room for improvement and it is inefficient, it is called no common sense happiness inefficiency, and improving that inefficiency can be called no common sense happiness improvement.


​By the way, I explained the no common sense happiness levels increased effect last time, but this is an index that shows the effect of increasing happiness. In other words, if the maximization of the no common sense happiness levels increased effect is realized, the no common sense happiness will be in an optimal state, so I think you can take it in the sense of =.


State in which the no common sense happiness levels increased effect is maximized = state of no common sense happiness optimal



The above is a brief explanation, but it's just a hypothetical concept that I came up with, so I'm not sure if it's really feasible, and I think it's necessary to verify it. And how do you verify? I think that's the story. Mathematicians and economists who understand difficult formulas may be able to elucidate it ( ̄▽ ̄;)


 Thank you for reading this time m(__)m