




 今回のテーマは非常識幸福度増大効果=おっぱっぴー効果といった、またもや僕の考えたおっぱっぴーな架空用語です。これは一言で言えば「非常識な出来事によって世の中の幸福度が増す効果」のことです。そのまんまやん!って思った方いるかと思いますが、本当にそのまんまです。特に意味はなし( ̄▽ ̄;)今までのような複雑な理論でも何でもなく、ただ「非常識=あっと驚くような感動的な出来事」としてとらえて、そのようなおっぱっぴー的現象によって世の中の幸福度がいかに増すか?という度合いを示す一つの指標です。

 なぜ、このような概念を考えたのか?といいますと、世の中では今、「幸福度ランキング」みたいなものが非常に注目されていますよね?特に国連の世界幸福度ランキングというのは、はっきりと国別の統計データとして発表されています。そして、わが国日本は確か100位以下くらいだったと思います。(何年か前のデータかもしれないので今現在はどうかは不明です、すみません💧)しかし、このランキングから分かるように、日本はGDPでは世界の第三位でトップなのに幸福度ランキングがこれだけ低い( ̄▽ ̄;)なぜか?つまり、簡単に言えば、いくら経済的に豊かであっても世の中の幸福度とは関係ないってことかと思います。言い換えると、物質的にいくら豊かになっても精神的に豊かにならないと幸せにはなれないってことかと思います。



 そういったことで、世の中に感動ムーブメントが巻き起これば起こるほど世の中の幸福度は増すのではないか?という仮説です。しかし、僕は学者先生みたいな高度な数学の専門的知識がないため、こんなことどうやって計測するのか?というのは分かりません。まあ、何でもかんでも数値化すればいいってものでもないと思いますし( ̄▽ ̄;)(笑)ただ、そういった概念があればいいのかな?と思う次第です。ちなみに非常識によってもらたされる世の中の幸福度が限界まで最大化されることを非常識幸福度増大効果最大化といいます。




にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログへ



English Translation

#8 No common sense happiness levels increased effect


What is the no common sense happiness levels increased effect?


The theme of this time is the no common sense happiness levels increases effect, which is a fictional term that I came up with. In a nutshell, this is the effect of increasing happiness in the world by an non-common sense event. There is no  other particular meaning ( ̄▽ ̄;)
It's not a complicated theory like before, but it's just taken as "insane = non-common sense = surprisingly moving event"


And how does such an insane phenomenon increase the happiness of the world? It is an index that shows the degree of such things.


"Why did you come up with such a concept?" Speaking of which, in the world, things like "happiness ranking" are getting a lot of attention right now, aren't they? In particular, the United Nations World Happiness Ranking is clearly published as statistical data by country. And I think our country, Japan, was about 100 or below. (The data may be from a few years ago, so I'm not sure about the current situation, sorry 💧) However, as you can see from this ranking, Japan's GDP ranks third and top in the world, but its happiness ranking is so low (  ̄▽ ̄ ;) Why? In other words, simply put, no matter how rich you are financially, it has nothing to do with the level of happiness in the world. In other words, no matter how rich you are physically, you cannot be happy unless you are spiritually rich.


With that background, I think that the happiness ranking is currently attracting attention. Is it attracting attention in developed countries in particular? I think. How can I make the world happier? That's what I noticed. Isn't it that insane = non-common sense = amazing and moving events bring excitement and happiness to the world? I hypothesized. So how does insanity contribute to the happiness of the world? It is the non-comomn sense happiness levels increased effect that deduced the index. Well, even if I say insane, the insane I'm talking about here is not the insane of bad manners, bad behavior, or bad attitude, but the insane that impresses the world. In other words, positive insane = positive no commo sense. I think it could be an innovation that surprises everyone, or some sort of social movement or fad. Also, I think that it is a moving event like "I finally found life on Saturn in space exploration!" To give a more familiar example, I think that it includes the emergence of a new comedy movement and the creation of the latest and novel comedy skits that have never existed before. Also, when I dressed up like a fancy costume party and picked up trash in the city, a volunteer movement to pick up trash started and it became a social phenomenon! 


On TV, "Miracle experience! Ambilibabo"*Japanese TV program
takes up a lot of moving events that actually happened in the world. I saw it on TV the other day, but a boy with a physical disability can't go out much, and there's nothing he can do.
So he started making bow ties with a sewing machine as a hobby after learning from his older sister, and he quickly improved. One day, while watching the TV news about the cats being euthanized, the boy wondered, "Is there anything I can do?" What happens first? That's what I thought. There was a story that made me moved so much. He made up with a nice idea and said "Why don't you put bow ties on the necks of the cats?" By wearing bow ties, the cats became extremely popular with the customers, and they were sold no longger and they didn't have to be euthanized! It is one of the events that changed the world with just this boy's idea. I think this is one of the movements that will truly impress the world. Will it work at first? You may be skeptical, but even such an insane idea can create a moving miracle if you put it into action.


With that in mind, isn't it possible that the more emotional movements arise in the world, the happier the world will be?