




 いよいよ、このブログも終わりの方に差し掛かったというか勝手ながらに大詰めになってきました(;^_^A( ̄▽ ̄;)なので、そろそろまとめのお話をしたいと思います。今回のテーマはずばり非常識超越的平和(もしくは非常識超越平和)=おっぱっピースです。何やらまたあやしい宗教チックな用語が出てきたよ~と思った方もいるかもしれませんけど、これは別に宗教的なものでもなんでもなく、この非常識超越平和思想(もしくは非常識超越平和理論)の目指すところの平和の世界のことを指します。一体なんぞや?と思われたかもしれませんが、前回の記事の非常識超越人のことを思い出してみてください。これは天才ニーチェ先生超人思想からヒントを得て思いついた用語なのですけど、これは前回の記事にあるように「イノベーターを超えるイノベーター」のことです。つまり単なるイノベーションだけだど環境問題やその他様々な社会的問題を引き起こすリスクのことを以前お話ししました。原発なんかがまさにいい例ですよね?それだと根本的な問題解決にならずにいつまでたっても世の中は平和にはならないということかと思います。なので、もはやそういった諸問題すら解決してしまうくらいの超ものすごい大天才的なイノベーションを起こせるイノベーターのことを私はあえて非常識超越人と呼ぶことにしました。まあ、そんな大天才は歴史上にほぼいないと思います。ってかアインシュタインニュートンですらそれに至ってはいないと思います。なので僕が思いつく限りでは、この人類史上ではほとんどそんな人物は存在しないと言えると思います。










にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログへ




English Translation

#13 No common sense transcendental peace



Finally, this blog has reached the end (;^_^A( ̄▽ ̄;), so I would like to talk about the summary. The theme of this time is no common sense transcendental peace. Some people may think that I have come up with some suspicious religious terminology, but this not a religious thing. However, it refers to the world of peace that this no common sense transcendental peace thought (or no common sense transcendental peace theory) aims for. Please remember no common sense transcendental human, which is a term I came up with after getting a hint from the genius Professor Nietzsche's superhuman thought, but as I said in the previous article, it means "an innovator that surpasses an innovator." In other words, I talked about the risk of causing environmental problems and various other social problems even if it is just innovation. A nuclear power plant is a good example, isn't it? I think that the world will never be peaceful, so I dare to call an innovator who can create a super-great genius innovation that can solve even such problems as no common sense transcendent human. Well, I don't think there are many geniuses like that in history, and I don't think even Einstein or Newton have reached that level, so as far as I can think of, there are almost no such people in human history. I think you can say that.

In other words, it is no longer a fictitious philosophical theory, like the superhuman thought proposed by Professor Nietzsche. It is a fictional and fictitious character that I fantasized about. In other words, it is an imaginary great genius who appeared by mutation. But what would happen if such a person suddenly appeared in human history ahead? Humankind has been exposed to the crisis of extinction many times until now, but there is a history of overcoming the crisis and standing up each time. Therefore, the possibility of such a person appearing in this century or in the next century should not be completely zero.

And I believe that when such a person brings innovation that surpasses innovation into the world, and the total amount of positive no common sense in the world approaches infinity, a miracle will occur. In other words, innovation beyond innovation = miracles in this world will occur and the problems of this world will gradually be solved.

  "Of course, the world won't always be at peace just because a miracle like that happened just once." Therefore, I believe that the world will come infinitely closer to peace only by repeating such things over and over again and making constant efforts. That is no common sense transcendental peace.

Will the collective wisdom of all mankind bring no common sense peace? !

However, if you think about it carefully, is it really possible that such a great genius who has hardly existed in history will appear in the future? We cannot deny the possibility that what did not exist in the past will not exist in the future. In such a case, if all human beings gather their wisdom and bring it all together, I think it's possible to create a power that surpasses even the existence of such a super-great genius who transcends history.

"I know how much a genius can do alone." No matter how genius you are, you're like a helpless human being who can't do anything unless you are recognized by the world. We believe that if we work together and create a miracle with infinite possibilities, it is not impossible to realize no common sense transcendental peace.