










 しかし、非常識均衡だと何が問題か?ということもお話しましたよね?仮に今の世の中が非常識均衡になっているのだとしても、世の中の問題がすべて解決するとは限らないですよね?これは僕の考えたあくまで仮説にしかすぎないし、実際今の世の中が非常識均衡になってるかどうかも分からないし、仮になってたとしてもそれがこの世界にとっての最適な解なのかどうかまで誰にも分からないし検証がしようがないですよね?さらに言えば、そもそも均衡というのはあくまで概念であって肯定的非常識とか否定的非常識の総量なんてものはそもそも計れないし、どうやって計測するのだ?というお話にもなってきます・・・仮に何らかの概念を用いて無理やり数式化できたとしてもかなりあやしい概念になりそうですが・・・(;^_^A( ̄▽ ̄;)まあ、そういった意味ではこの非常識超越平和思想はあくまで思想とか哲学的なもので、世の中がうまくまわる仕組みを常識とか非常識の観点でモデル化して単純化して説明しているだけなんです。










にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログへ




English Translation

#12 No common sense transcendent human


​​Negative no common sense→Positive no common sense→New common sense→Common sense that is non-common sense in reality→Negative no common sense


​​​​​​​First, innovation that is ahead of the times is classified as negative no common sense and is not evaluated at all, but if it is gradually recognized as "this is a novel idea", it is classified as positive nonsense. And, for example, if it becomes even more dominant in the market and becomes a hit product, it will become the standard of the new era, in other words, common sense. However, if it becomes old with the times, it will be considered outdated and will be demoted to common sense that is non-common sense in reality. And it will eventually return to negative insane. ​​​​​​​



In other words, in this world, common sense and non-common sense are constantly being replaced, progressing with the times. And I talked about how if it circulates well and the process goes well, the balance between common sense and non-common sense seesaw is maintained, and it becomes an no common sense equilibrium. However, in reality, things don't go as planned, and the process itself may have some flaws, or the cycle of common sense and non-common sense may not go smoothly. So, in reality, the seesaw is often tilted to the left or right. I also told you that this is a temporary no commn sense equilibrium. ​​


"But what's wrong with no common sense equilibrium?" We also talked about that, didn't we? Even if the world today is in no common sense equilibrium, it doesn't mean that all the problems in the world will be solved, right? This is nothing more than a hypothesis that I came up with, and I don't know if the current world is actually in no common sense equilibrium. I don't know and I can't verify it, right? Furthermore, equilibrium is just a concept in the first place, and the total amount of positive and negative no common sense cannot be measured in the first place, so how do you measure it? Even if it were to be forcibly formulated using some concept, it would be a rather dubious concept... (;^_^A( ̄▽ ̄;) Well, that kind of meaning Then, this no common sense transcendental peace ideology is nothing more than an idea or a philosophical one, and it is just a simplified explanation of how the world works, modeled from a common sense or no common sense point of view.


​​​ However, what if this no common sense equilibrium won't bring enough peace to the world? What if we knew that? This means that we need a much more optimal solution. Regarding this point as well, as I have explained in previous articles, it is to "maximize the total amount of positive no common sense." What I mean is that if the world can no longer be peaceful with no common sense equilibrium, we have no choice but to bring about positive no common sense, that is, innovation, to make the world peaceful. No, it's an image like innovation beyond innovation, not innovation. I think I explained it in the articles so far, but new problems may arise with simple innovation, right? A good example is environmental issues. In this case, no matter how much innovation is made, new problems will arise for the earth. On the other hand, while the AI technology that countries around the world are working hard to develop has the advantage of making our lives more convenient, on the other hand, if it goes too far, unemployment will be born, and it is possible that there will be disadvantages for society. It's a contradiction that the world is going crazy because technology has gone too far, isn't it? In other words, the halfway increase in new innovations = positive no common sense has actually exacerbated the problems of the world. I may have forgotten to mention this in the previous article, but it might be a good idea to call such a phenomenon the collapse of no common sense equilibrium. ​​​

​​This is because the amount of positive no common sense becomes excessive and the seesaw balance = equilibrium collapses, and the world is in a state of confusion. In that sense, it may be called positive no common sense overflow (or positive no common sense excess).


So what do we do? In other words, there is simply no choice but to create innovation that surpasses innovation, increase the total amount of positive no common sense to infinity, and bring about a revolution in this world...

​​​​ In other words, that is the true identity of no common sense transcendent human. It can be said that it is no longer an innovator but an super innovator. It refers to such a tremendous genius... If it comes to this, it will be hypothetical like Professor Nietzsche's superhuman thought, so I think it will be a somewhat fictitious philosophical theory. However, if we look at the earth today, will it become impossible for us humans to live on this earth due to global warming by the end of this century? Or is such a dangerous situation approaching? Even if environmental activists stand up for peace of the global environment and the number of such people increases all over the world, it seems that there will be a lot of opposition from companies and the economic world, and it will not be easy to solve the problem. There is always a trade-off between economic and environmental issues. So, when it comes to this, we have no choice but to wait for the arrival of a super-genius who will bring about a revolution in the name of innovation that surpasses innovation. It is called no common sense transcendent human. It means an amazing person who has transcended even the insane or non-common sense.

 Thank you for reading this time too m(__)m