




 ここまで読まれた方は何でおっぱっぴーなの?と思われたかもしれません。そもそもなぜおっぱっぴーという用語を使用するのか?これは実はたいした理由はありません( ̄▽ ̄;)(笑)そもそもこの言葉はご存じのように、小島よしおさんが生み出したもので流行語大賞にまでなった日本人ならおそらくほとんどの方が知ってるであろうとされるワードです。小島よしおさんのギャグに「そんなの関係ねぇ~」と繰り返すフレーズがでてきますよね?それに続いてあの変なポーズを決めながら「は~い!おっぱっぴ~♪」と発するわけだから思わず不意を突かれたような感覚になり爆笑してしまいます。なぜ爆笑するのか?と私なりに考えた結果、彼のギャグはこうなってると思ったのです。







 お察しのいい方ならもうお分かりかと思いますが、このギャグにおけるおっぱっぴーは「意味不明」というような意味合いで使われてる可能性が高いのです。つまり、矛盾していて非常識という概念にもつながるわけです。だから、私はおっぱっぴー=この世の矛盾と非常識という意味合いで使ってます。本来の意味なら以下のサイトにあるような意味合いで使われているようですけど、自分はおっぱっぴーの本当の意味はこれだと思ってます(笑)( ̄▽ ̄;)














にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログへ













 このように世間で言われている非常識という概念は非常にあいまいでどっちの意味にも捉えられるのです・・・( ̄▽ ̄;)そして、なぜわざわざ2種類に分けたのか?そんなもん別にどっちだっていいじゃないか?と思われるかもしれません。それは非常識という概念が曖昧なままだと何をどうすれば世の中よくすることができるのか?ということが意味付けることができないからです。世の中には正しい常識というものがあり、世間の大多数の人が正しいと認識していて支持されている。このような常識はそのまま体制を維持して保留にすればいいのです。もちろん時代とともに常識という概念も変わるのでアップデートされていくことにはなりますが・・・問題なのは間違った非常識= 否定的非常識 をいかに世の中からなくしていき、正しい非常識=肯定的非常識 を増やしてくかってことです。そうすればおのずと世の中からマイナス要因である否定的非常識がなくなっていき、世間を感動させ幸福にするプラス要因である肯定的非常識がどんどん増えていくということになります。そうなれば、世の中はどんどん明るい方向に向かうのではないか?と思いました。












第2回:肯定的非常識と否定的非常識 非常識超越平和思想 -No common sense transcendence pacifist thought- #2【English Sub】 - YouTube


にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログへ

English Translation

#2 Positive no common sense and negative no common sense

Hello, I'm KeithU. I'm art thinker.
This is the second article and I'd like to explain two kinds of concept of no common sense.

The theme of #2 is two kinds of concept of no common sense.
The first one is "Positive no common sense".
It's a kind of no common sense which makes people around the world happy.
The second one is "Negative no common sense".
It's a kind of no common senese which makes people around the world unhappy.

The first one is positive no common sense and I call it "Positive Oppappi".
And I call the second one "Negative Oppppi".
Why do I call it that?
That's because personally speaking I interpret it as "contradiction" or "no common sense."
Positive no common sense is called "Positive Oppappi" because it is a kind of no common sense which makes a positive change in the world.
On the contrary, negative no common sense is called "Negative Oppappi" because it is a kind of  no common sense which creates a negative side in the world.

For example, positive no common sense is something like invention, innovation, new plan or idea in the company, and surprise party that each home holds.
It's a kind of no common sense which moves us all around the world and makes us all happy.
That's why I call it "Positve no common sense"

On the contrary, negative no common sense is a kind of things like rude attitude, breach of manners, crimes, rule infringement, or antisocial activities and so on.
The last time I wrote about "no common sense exists in common sense", which I called "Oppappi."
But, how is it different from "negative no common sense?"
You might think that it's the same. 

"No common sense exists in common sense" is a kind of thing that is reagarded as good, but it's actually a bad thing.
On the contrary, "negative no common sense" is a kind of thing that is already regarded as a bad thing.

For example, illegal crimes, drugs, violence, could be categorized as negative no common sense.
The majority already regards it as a bad thing.

The last time, I defined "no common sense exists in common sense" as "Oppappi".
But, strictly speaking, it's called "Oppappi in the narrow sense."
And "Oppappi in the broad sense" is as below.

"Oppappi in the narrow sense" + "Positive no common sense" + "Negative no common sense."

This is a fictional terms which I made up, so please interprete it in that way.

You might think "Why do we have to define those things?" or "Who cares?"
That's because if there are no exact definition of no common sense, we can't get an idea about how to make a positive change in the world.

There are a lot of things that many people regard it as a good thing.
It's known as common sense in the world.
We must keep it as it is.

But, "No common sense exists in common sense" is actually wrong thing.
So, we must correct it as needed depending on the period.

As you might know, common sense also changes depending on the period, though.
Today's common sense can be changed tomorrow.

The problem is that we must get rid of "Negative no common sense" as much as possible.
So, the important thing is that we must change negative no common sense to positive no common sense.
That will reduce negative factors and increase positve factors in the world.

You might have noticed that the definition of common sense and no common sense is ambiguous because we have diffierent values and ways of thinking. 
But, let me explain that point later in the other article.

The meaning of common sense and no common sense is ambiguous, so it's very difficult to define.
Besides that, our society is more complicated.
Therefore, I guess we must think more deeply and look at a problem from all sides.

To put it simply, we could define common sense and no common sense as I wrote before.
Let me explain that step by step, too.

I will gradually write the articles about this philosophical theory.
If you are interested in philosophy or thought, please continue to read my blog.

Please click the link below to watch the video in You tube.

 第2回:肯定的非常識と否定的非常識 非常識超越平和思想 -No common sense transcendence pacifist thought- #2【English Sub】 - YouTube 

Thank you.






 まず、最初にこの非常識超越平和思想とは何なのか?をご説明したいと思います。といってもどこから説明すればいいのか?・・・( ̄▽ ̄;)?非常に分かりづらい概念に見えるかもしれませんけど、簡単に説明するとものすごくシンプルになると思います。


















第1回:非常識超越平和思想とは? 非常識超越平和思想 -No common sense transcendence pacifist thought- #1【English Sub】 - YouTube


にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログへ

English Translation

#1 What is no common sense transcendence pacifist thought?

Hi, I'm KeithU. I'm an art thinker.
Let me explain about what is No common sense transcendence pacifist thought. 
The previous articel is the introduction and story about why I came up with this idea.
But, it's just an introduction and has nothing to to with this theory.
So you can skip reading the introduction

At first, it takes a long time to explain the whole part of this theory.
So, I'd like to write about what is common sense and no common sense.
This is the basis of this theory.

Common sense is something like what we share in society as a common rule. For example, laws, rules, customs in communities  or unspoken rules.
The company culture, corporate mission, and ethics are also included in a broad sense.
On the contrary, no commonse sense means lacking common sense.
For example, breaking rules, breach of manners, and antisocial behavior and so on.

In our society, we regard common sensese as right thing and no common sense as wrong thing.
But, is that true? I was seeking the matter for many years and finally I came up with this theory "No common sense transcendence pacifist thought"
At first, I noticed that no common sense exists in common sense.
There are many ridiculous things which are regarded as common sense in our society.
But, in fact, it's actully no common sense.
I guess we all question whether common sense is true or not in our daily life. 
That's why we feel our societies is full of contradictions.

I call this "no common sense which exists in common sense" as Oppappi.
※Oppappi is Yoshio Kojima's quick one-liner. He is a Japanese comedian.
Why do I call it as Oppappi?
I felt like it just sounds like ridiculous thing which means "no common sense" or "contradiction."
By the way, the true meaning of the word "Oppappi" is "Ocean Pacific Peace" and it's a kind of abbreviation.
But it has nothing to do with "no common sense which exists in common sense"

No common sense is sometimes troublesome. 
The situation gets worse if we leave the issue undone. 
It's somewhat similar to the law of entropy increase which is a phyical law that the sum of entropy in nature continues to increase.
But I'm not familiar with science, so I'd like to refrain from commenting on this matter.

Why the situation gets worse? 
That's because the majority belives that the common sense is right.
So, it's quite difficult to go against common sense because it also means we must go against the majority.
It takes a lot of energy and long time to settle the problem.

Japanese famous drama called "Hanzawa Naoki" depicts the human relationship between a boss and a subordinate in Japanese fictional major bank named "Tokyo Central Bank".
Hanzawa tries to stick the knife into vested interests inside the bank and finally solve the problem.
But, he was bullied by his bosses many times and once relegated to subsidiary company.
This drama teaches us how difficult it is to go againt the majority.
Even the issue of corporate organization is difficult to slove.
So, it's so complicated to solve the political issue because there are much more vested interests in politics.
You should be prepared to be fired if you try to solve the political issue.

It's so difficult to change the structure of society once it has been created.
It's the worst to do change the society by yourself because there is no merit to do that.
In addition, we are all busy in our daily life, so we don't have enough time to challenge those things.
And also there are various kinds of risks.
But "No common sense transcendence pacifist thought" is a philosophical theory which gives us hints to go against the majority and  solve the problems.
There are many kinds of theories in  "No common sense transcendence pacifist thought".
But common sense and no common sense is the basis of this theory.
If you are interested in philosophy or thought, please continue to read the articles.

Please click the link below to watch the video in You tube.

 第1回:非常識超越平和思想とは? 非常識超越平和思想 -No common sense transcendence pacifist thought- #1【English Sub】 - YouTube

Thank you.





はじめまして・・・まずこのブログでは、自分なりに考えた平和思想についてや世の中の平和に対する想いを思想の観点から述べていきたいと思います。思想といってもあまりにも漠然としていて何だか分からないと思いますけど、僕も実はよく分かってません・・・(笑)宗教の勉強はかなりしましたけど、思想との違いすらあまりよく分かってません。宗教はどちらかというとすべての人の考え方を統一させて全員で一丸となって世界平和を目指すイメージかと思います。しかし、思想はもっとアバウトで共感する人がいてもいいし、いなくてもいいというもっと幅広い概念だと思います。少しでも世の中よくなればいいな?という平和への想いから生み出された概念であると思います。そして、自分の中では哲学はニーチェ先生が考えた超人思想のように難解でマニアックなものだと捉えてます。思想に比べるともっと範囲は狭くとにかく突き詰めて一つの物事の真相にせまって考えるものだと思います。それに対して、僕が考えたおっぱっぴー平和思想=非常識超越平和思想は、思想と名乗ってますけど、正直どのジャンルに属するかも分からず、ごちゃまぜのブレンド状態だと思います。。(笑)しかも、いくらか学術チックな面もあるのでどちらかというと理論的な部分もあると思います。ですので、非常識超越平和思想というよりかは、むしろ非常識超越平和理論みたいに呼んだ方がいいくらいなのかもしれません( ̄▽ ̄;)なのであまり気になさらず「こういう考え方もあるんだな」くらいで興味のある方だけ読んでいただければ幸いです。



イントロダクション 非常識超越平和思想 -No common sense transcendence pacifist thought- Introduction【English Sub】 - YouTube

にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログへ

English Translation


Hi、my name is KeithU and I'm art thinker.
In this blog, mainly I'd like to introduce my orginal philosophical theory.
Well, at first let me introduce myself briefly.
Let me introduce myself briefly.
I've lived in New York before, so I'm a returnee.
But, I guess I'm developmentally disabled a little bit.
So, I didn't suit the company I've worked before and I gradually started to suffer from mental illness.
After that,  I took a temporary leave of absence, and then I quit the company.
I lost my job and I used to be a bum.
And I became a part time worker or worked from home job.
At that time, I suffered from mental illness and I was an alcoholic,too.
I was worried about my future and had a hard time.
Them, I studied many kind of things like philosophy, politics, and religion.
Those rough times lasted about 10 years and I suddenly happened to come up with this philosophical theory.

I almost tweet everyday and express my opinion.
In twitter, many followers agreed with my thoughts and praised my theory.
But this is the first time I explain my theory in this blog so I'm  just wondering how readers react to my new idea.
So, I'd like to explain as briefly as possible, so that every one could understand.
Well, since my childhood older people and school teachers around me would always say to me like "You should be a scholar" or "There is no way that you could be a businessman."
I was shocked! But that was true,
After starting to work, I felt like I didn't belong to the company, and I started to suffer from depression.
After I quit the company,  I had a dream that I wanted to be a philopher someady.
But I just decided to give up because it would be so difficult for me to be a scholar.
But after that I noticed that I couldn't give up soon.
So, right now I'm trying to express my opinion and spread my theory to the world on the Internet.
I don't intend to change the world or something like that.
But I hope my idea will save someone in the world someday.

At first, the name of this theory is "no common sense transcendence pacifist thought" and let me explain it step by step.
In a word, this theory is a kind of mixture of religion, philosophy and thought.
Even I don't understand it, but I guess this philosophy includes the element of academism so it could be the theory,too.
In my opinion, religion is something like the ideal or ideology that unify everyone's opinion to seek the world peace.
The definition of thought is ambiguous. It's more like wide-ranging concept than a rigid distinction.
So, it doesn't matter if you agree or not. 
Philosophy is a kind of one of the most difficult things to understand and philosophers pursue one thing thoroughly.
But, I just read Friedrich Nietzsche's books a little bit so the experts might say I'm wrong.
I just thought like that after studying those things by myself.
Well, let me explain my theory step by step in the blog.
If you'd agree with me, please subscribe to my channel in You tube,too

Please click the link below to watch the video in You tube.

イントロダクション 非常識超越平和思想 -No common sense transcendence pacifist thought- Introduction【English Sub】 - YouTube

Thank you.